Hearts on a Leash

Fundraising For Furry Friends 
Hearts on a Leash was started to help the dog parks and shelters that are not funded by Cities, States and large organizations.

You Give Love - We Save Lives

About Hearts on a leash

Our clients fundraise effortlessly. We use Hearts on a Leash as a method to democratize fundraising and make it as simple as sending out an email to your supporters. The model we developed came from PBS-Public Broadcasting Services. Two or more times a year they broadcast fundraising drives throughout their programming. Their deal is – donate X dollars and you get a tote bag, bumper sticker or coffee mug that is useful and gives you bragging rights as a member. Although there is not much use for a ceramic coffee mug on a dog walk, having a simple way to help clean up after Fido is perfect. A customized and sometimes personalized US-made-all-aluminum poop bag carrier does serve a pressing need AND announces to your dog pack that you are helping to support the shelter. Additional revenue opportunities for your program. We will engrave on the reverse of the Hearts for an additional $3.95 per Heart. A very popular option is the dog’s name. Send us the list in a spreadsheet and we’ll get them going. You receive an additional $20 -30 donation per Heart with the dog’s name engraved!! Once again, Thank you so much for the opportunity to help you help out the pups! Nan


Would you like to schedule a time to learn more? Let’s find a convenient time to discuss and explore further details about the product at hand.
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